Ottobre 2020

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dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi

Convegni, conferenze, mostre e altri eventi

Mostra di foto di Andrea Cavazzuti, “Cina. 1981 – 1984”

In occasione del 50mo anniversario delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Italia e RPC

Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale
Inaugurazione 23 ottobre 2020
23 ottobre – 20 novembre

Museo di Pietrarsa di Napoli

Omaggio alla Luna – Poesia e Arti Circensi in occasione della Festa Cinese di Metà Autunno

Esibizioni di Cirko Vertigo

Istituto Confucio dell’Università di Torino
Domenica 11 ottobre 2020, 21:00

Teatro Le Serre
via Tiziano Lanza 31
Grugliasco (TO)
Maggiori informazioni sullo spettacolo

La Cina e Il Ponte – sessantacinque anni dopo

– Silvia Calamandrei, traduttrice e curatrice di opere saggistiche e letterarie sulla Cina contemporanea
– Alessandra Lavagnino, direttore dell’Istituto Confucio dell’Università degli Studi di Milano

Istituto Confucio dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
Martedì 13 ottobre 2020, 17:00-18:30

Incontro online (da definire)

“Aspettando la fine della guerra. Lettere dei prigionieri cinesi nei campi di concentramento fascisti”

– Daniele Brigadoi Cologna, ricercatore e docente di Lingua e cultura cinese, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
– Alessandra Lavagnino, direttore dell’Istituto Confucio dell’Università degli Studi di Milano

Istituto Confucio dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
Martedì 27 ottobre 2020, 17:00-18:30

Incontro online (piattaforma da definire)

Novità editoriali

miranda cover 1-def_2

Curatore: Marina Miranda
Titolo: Dal Medio all’Estremo Oriente, 2 – Studi del Dottorato di ricerca in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa

Editore: Carocci Editore

Collana: Biblioteca di testi e studi /1316 – Civiltà Orientali

Anno: 2020, Roma


Diretta prosecuzione di un precedente progetto intrapreso circa due anni fa, il volume raccoglie i contributi scientifici di un gruppo selezionato di giovani studiosi, che ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di ricerca in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa all’Università di Roma “Sapienza”, tra il 2018 e il 2019. Lo scopo è quello di promuovere e diffondere, nel modo più ampio possibile, i risultati delle ricerche ottenuti dagli addottorati nell’ambito del triennio di studi; una finalità, questa, che le istituzioni accademiche dovrebbero sempre perseguire. Di carattere multidisciplinare, il testo presenta saggi che spaziano dalla letteratura alla linguistica, dalle religioni e filosofie alla storia moderna e contemporanea, nelle varie epoche e per le diverse aree culturali e linguistiche del Subcontinente indiano, del Medio ed Estremo Oriente, rispecchiando le principali specializzazioni del suddetto Dottorato. La formazione scientifica conseguita dagli autori ha loro permesso di approfondire e meglio organizzare in questo volume i risultati già raggiunti nella tesi finale, delineando prospettive future di analisi ed estendendo il focus di indagine, anche verso altri ambiti attinenti e contigui. Oltre che nel settore accademico, le ricerche così arricchite assumono quindi notevole rilevanza anche in un campo maggiormente divulgativo, ai fini di più ampia e adeguata comprensione delle tradizioni intellettuali, storiche e sociali delle realtà asiatiche e medio orientali, alla luce del loro crescente rilievo geopolitico e culturale.

Autore: Tommaso Previato

Titolo: Martyrdom and Frontier Banishment in the Official and Devotional Narratives of anti-Qing Uprisings: The Case of Jahri Sufi Women in 18-20th Century Gansu

Serie: Ming Qing Studies Monograph 2

Anno: 2020


Il volume è acquistabile sia in formato cartaceo che digitale presso il sito della casa editrice “Writesup” al seguente link.

Autore: Tonio Savina

Titolo: I rapporti tra Cina e Stati Uniti dagli anni Settanta agli anni Duemila. Una prospettiva astropolitica


Anno: 2020

Richiamandosi metodologicamente alla storiografia astropolitica, il volume colloca in una prospettiva storica i rapporti sino-statunitensi in ambito spaziale; un tema rimasto per lo più inesplorato e spesso appiattito su rilevazioni strettamente contingenti. Basata su un ampio utilizzo di fonti in lingua cinese, come pure su documenti declassificati del governo americano, l’analisi ripercorre le prime forme di collaborazione satellitare degli anni Settanta e Ottanta, soffermandosi sulle ripercussioni dei fatti di piazza Tian’anmen e del discusso incidente Intelsat-708 sul trasferimento tecnologico verso la RPC negli anni Novanta, per spingersi poi fino agli anni Duemila. Durante tale percorso sono allo stesso tempo delineati i punti di contatto con la più generale dinamica delle relazioni bilaterali tra i due Paesi.

Altre comunicazioni

Call for Papers: On Qing (情) and Jing (境) in Chinese Literature: A Discourse on Ecocriticism

We are seeking contributions to an edited volume focusing on the concepts of qing (情) and jing (境) throughout Chinese literature, with a special emphasis on modern and contemporary Chinese literature, by examining the environmental and ecological dimensions of such notions.

Key deadlines are as follows:
– Abstract submission: January 10, 2021
– Initial confirmation with a title/abstract: January 15, 2021
– Expected first draft paper due to the editors: June 30, 2021 (approximately 8000-10,000 words.)
– Expected publication date: Autumn 2021

Call for abstracts: Conference “Chinese Popular Culture in Translation and Transmission”

Conference will be held on 22-23 July 2021 at the University of Leicester, UK.
Submission of Abstracts: 15 January 2021

Call for papers: Mapping Out Eco-Translatology

We are seeking contributions to an edited volume focusing on Eco-translatology research

Key deadlines are as follows:
– Abstract submission: January 10, 2021
– Initial confirmation with a title/abstract: January 15, 2021
– Expected first draft paper due to the editors: June 30, 2021 (approximately 8000-10,000 words.)
– Expected publication date: Autumn 2021

Call for papers: Media Interpreting Studies Global Perspectives

We are seeking contributions to an edited volume focusing on the plurality of Media Interpreting (MI) studies from a global perspective over the last decade. This volume sets out to explore the most recent studies on MI from authoritative voices around the world.

Key deadlines:
– Abstract submission: January 10, 2021
– Initial confirmation with a title and an abstract: January 15, 2021
– Submission of the first draft: June 30, 2021 (approximately 8000-10,000 words)
– Expected publication date: Autumn 2021

Position: 4 roles in Chinese History, Culture and Language/Chinese Politics/Chinese Society at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou

The Department of China Studies at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China, is advertising 4 new permanent posts. They are open to all levels, from Assistant Professor to Professor, and are in the following fields:
* 1 for Chinese History, Culture and Language
* 1 for Chinese Politics
* 2 for Chinese Society
The deadline for applications is 16th October 2020. For more information, please see the job listing.
Enquiries may be sent to our HoD Dr Geoffrey Chun-fung Chen at

Doctoral Research Fellowships at the University of Oslo

Three Doctoral Research Fellowships are available at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo. Application deadline: 15 October 2020.
The project of the applicant needs to be thematically relevant to ongoing research at the department, and a member of the permanent academic staff needs to be named in the application as a potential supervisor.
Applicants with a project related to “mind wandering” in contemplative traditions may contact Halvor Eifring to discuss their project.
The department covers various East Asian, South Asian and Middle East Studies, as well as the the study of religion, cultural history and museology, and environmental humanities. For information about ongoing research and academic staff, please visit the department’s website and the individual researcher pages.

Research Fellow (Postdoctoral Researcher) in Modern Chinese Studies

Qualified and enthusiastic applicants are sought for a two-year position as Research Fellow (Postdoctoral Researcher) in Modern Chinese Studies, focusing on representations of children and childhood in literature and other cultural forms in Republican China (1912-1949).
Post Summary The Irish Research Council Laureate Award-funded project CHINACHILD: Slave-Girls and the Discovery of Female Childhood in Twentieth-Century China is seeking to appoint a Research Fellow (Postdoctoral Researcher) in Modern Chinese Studies. The successful applicant will undertake research and analysis on literary, visual media and/or other cultural representations of children and childhood in twentieth-century China, focusing particularly on the Republican era (1912-1949), with scope to expand the period to the late Qing and/or the early PRC according to their interests.
The Research Fellow (Postdoctoral Researcher) will join the CHINACHILD team and contribute to the aims of the project, primarily investigating and understanding changes in how Chinese children, particularly poorer girls, were conceptualised in the first half of the twentieth-century. They will be able to design their own project, so long as it contributes to this overall aim.
The appointee will assist the Principal Investigator (PI), Dr Isabella Jackson, in achieving the goals of the project and contribute to its research outcomes. The appointee will have particular responsibility for helping organise a conference (probably online) and helping edit a resulting edited collection, as well as publishing their research in the form of an academic journal and/or book chapter. The appointee will also help organise an online exhibition of visual sources from the project and contribute to the wider public dissemination of the project’s research.
Standard Duties and Responsibilities of the Post
  • Identify appropriate literary and other cultural sources for his or her contribution to the project and conduct excellent research and analysis based on them, resulting in scholarly publications, including co-authored work where appropriate.
  • Help organise an international conference and co-edit, with the PI, a volume arising from it.
  • Contribute to the public engagement components of the project through talks, the development of an online exhibition, and other means.
  • Assist the PI in planning, organising, conducting and communicating research within the overall scope of the project.
  • Support the PI and the research team in the development of the research programme and help identify suitable opportunities to meet our aims.
  • Present information on research progress and outcomes to other members of the research project.
  • Perform other related duties incidental to the work described above.

Funding Information: The post and the wider CHINACHILD: Slave-Girls and the Discovery of Female Childhood in Twentieth-Century China project are funded by Irish Research Council Laureate Award IRCLA/2017/251.
Deadline: 12 Noon (GMT), Thursday 29th October 2020
Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Isabella Jackson (PI)

Further information including full post specifications and how to apply are available on the Trinity Vacancies website.

Call for positions: Head Librarian – Library of the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

The Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences is seeking an experienced and motivated individual to serve as Head Librarian of its library based in Prague, Czech Republic as it undergoes the beginning phases of a planned transition to a new site. The qualified individual’s primary duties will be to oversee day-to-day operations of the library, supervise cataloguing and retro-cataloguing of the library holdings, monitor new acquisitions, and identify and manage special collections. The position is ideal for a self-motivated and self-directed individual who loves books and wishes to implement an exciting and dynamic vision for a 300,000+ volume library housed in one of Europe’s oldest institutes for Oriental Studies. The Head Librarian will supervise the library staff and report directly to the Director of the Oriental Institute.

– Minimum B.A. degree, background or experience in library sciences strongly preferred
– Fluency or near-native fluency in written and spoken English
– Knowledge of library systems and cataloguing
– Ability to manage a team of librarians and external interns
– Ability to communicate clearly with co-workers, researchers, and library patrons
– Knowledge of one or more of the languages, cultures, and histories related to the Oriental Institute’s sub-fields (Middle East, South Asia, East and Southeast Asia, Central Asia) preferred

– Manage day-to-day operations of library and oversee activities of library staff
– Identify and manage special collections (including possible digitalization)
– Support Oriental Institute researchers in utilizing and accessing library materials
– Pursue grants and other sources of external funding for retro-cataloguing of the library holdings, public exhibitions, and new acquisitions
-Formulate a new vision for the library as it undergoes a phased transition

Salary and Benefits:
1300-1700 EUR/month depending on experience. Full health benefits, 5-weeks annual vacation, travel and research stipends, and support for professional development and further study.

Please send a statement of interest (no more than 2 pages), C.V., and the names of 2 references to Jakub Hruby. Any inquiries related to the position may also be directed to Dr. Hruby.
Deadline: November 8, 2020

Call for abstracts: upcoming XXXI International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa

The conference will be held at Saint Petersburg State University, 23-25 June 2021. The conference might be held onsite or online depending on how the situation develops.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 31 January 2021.
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